2/6/2015 - Hilton, New York - Today Dominic and the Hilton High School Jazz Ensemble performed at the 12th Annual Evening of Jazz at Merton Williams Middle School in Hilton, New York. The Evening of Jazz featured the talents of world class jazz musician Eddie Daniels. The Merton Williams Jazz Ensemble opened the evening with several numbers under the direction of Charles Kane. This was followed by the Rochester All-Star Big Band with special guest Eddie Daniels. The band included local professional musicians under the direction of Jared Streiff. They played a great set that included Eddie Daniels performing some fantastic clarinet and saxophone solo performances. The evening ended with the Hilton High School Jazz Ensemble performing five numbers. The numbers included We'll Get It, Hay Burner, Decoupage and an original piece commissioned for the band called Needledrop. For the final number the Hilton High School Jazz Ensemble was joined by Eddie Daniels to play the David Benoit song Sao Paulo. The finale included an excellent solo by Dominic on the Soprano Saxaphone which was followed by a solo by Eddie Daniels on Tenor Saxaphone. It was a great show and Dom did a fantastic job playing both Bari and Soprano Saxophone. The next big show for the ensemble will be in Orlando, Florida at Walt Disney World in April, I can not wait....Slideshow |